A Fun Day’s Work

Bacteria bodies are shaped like ovals and molecules that make the bacteria catchable are blue rectangles or orange triangles. The shapes must match the receptors exactly to make the bacteria catchable, I am trying to make this fact clear from the graphics ...

Experimenting with various arrangements of simple geometric shapes for the receptors, ligands and antibodies in our game.

My new game, which I haven’t announced yet, is potentially awesome. The team I have also not yet introduced. But we are still very early in development and are only a skeletal crew… Whether this game is interesting and playable, we won’t be able to discern, until I can devise some basic art for the cells, molecules and bacteria.

Today’s lesson was not to get discouraged when things look really crappy in your first 2 attempts! Last week my experiment looked great on the lap top and horrible on the phone. Hmmm.. who would have thought there would be such a difference? haha (*sarcasm*)

Last week I had 4 molecules on each bacteria and now I only have 2 molecules on each. (Blue rectangles and orange triangles represent the molecules.) I want to give the player the impression that there are many molecules on the bacteria, so I was trying to cram on as many as possible. I think the interesting thing is that on the tiny phone screen 2 molecules looks like a lot. It actually feels to me like the 4 molecules versions do on my big screen. I was not expecting this, but I think since the phone is so darn small, they fact that I make the effort to draw any detail on a game object, the object seems important. And two identical things seems like a lot of things at that small level.

Anyway, that is my brief, unskilled explanation of my game design learning for today. I have to create another receptor (for TNF, for those scientists paying attention) and then I will not sleep tonight until I have this new “art” in place and several levels designed and playable on my phone!

Posted in Biology, Chemistry, Development Blog, Game Design and Development

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