How to use antibodies in a video game

I am making a game based on reality. The hardest part is that I keep needing to check on my understanding of reality.  I mean, I remember that antibodies can cause viruses to aggregate.  I am 100% positive that aggregation occurs, but is this mechanism actually a significant player in the war against virus in your body?  So, I am glad when I find websites like  written by Vincent Racaniello‏     He’s clear and fun.

So, in a virus level, players can use antibodies to aggregate or to neutralize antibodies…  sure.  Now to make it fun. I am drawing more storyboards.  Here is today’s product.  What should a player see and what can they do when they fight against a virus? Hmmmmm … here is a small number of possibilities.

I will be sending a newsletter out to my supporters. I think I have worked hard enough over the past few months that I can face y’all.  Thank you all for your undying support.  Capt Binky, I’m looking at you.  I do have builds, I have made progress.  I am just not happy with them, yet. Soon, soon.


Posted in Development Blog

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