Blog Archives

March Learning Tech Newsletter. Educational Molecules for Fun

We need you
Are you a teacher with access to PC computers?  Test IA in your classroom!  We spent 2010 developing an excellent test of learning and attitudes toward molecular biology.  Now we need students in 7th – 12th grades to play IA1.0 for 2 class periods and and then take our survey. 

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December 2010 Newsletter

View the 12/2010 newsletter HERE!

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September Newsletter

You can read the September 2010 Newsletter here.

Volume 1.4, September 2010.

Technology Enables Tiny Dreams

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August Newsletter

View our August Newsletter here.

To register for our Newsletter, go to our registration page.

And please give us feed back about anything at all at our feedback survey (extremely short).

And please!  If you are a teacher,

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Get your Newsletter here!

Hello everyone!

Our newsletter will explain our hopes and dreams for Immune Attack, will link you to surveys that are important to us because they let us know what you like and don’t like about Immune Attack.  Our Newsletter will also give you information about educational video games,

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